Ryan Gill On How Brands Can Land The Best Creative Talent

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Ryan Gill
Chief Executive Officer
verified iconExpert in Digital Marketing
Ryan Gill is Co-founder and CEO of Communo, a network of marketers and creative talent. He also created The Gathering, a masterclass for business leaders.
  • Business Development
  • Communications
  • Brand Management
Ryan Gill On How Brands Can Land The Best Creative Talent

Ryan Gill On How Brands Can Land The Best Creative Talent

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, a very small percentage of marketing, advertising, and PR agencies were engaging with the talent economy—most operated primarily with their in-house teams. The pandemic forced an immediate workforce transition and has collectively challenged the world’s views on where and how work can be done. However, imagine having insight into the benefits of contingent work 10 years ago. Now, imagine making the choice to shift your agency to an open talent model, disrupting an industry that, up until three months ago, still firmly believed that the best work could only be done in-house.

This week’s guest is Ryan Gill, CEO & co-founder of Communo, a talent marketplace for freelancers and agencies in the advertising, marketing, and PR space. Prior to Communo, Ryan was the co-founder and president of Cult Collective, an international engagement agency, and co-founder of The Gathering, a world-class annual summit that brings together some of the top CMOs and leaders from the biggest brands and more than 5,000 to the mountain resort town of Banff, Alberta.

Ryan is also the author of two books, the latest being Fix: Break the Addictions That Are Killing Brands. Most importantly, he’s a husband and a father of two little girls.

Ryan joins Paul for a deep dive into his experience launching Communo: how he’s spent the past 10 years helping to shape the talent economy narrative, shining a light on the benefits offered to both talent and clients, and advocating for the future of work. Ryan says that you should never build a company for the past, but for the future... and 10 years ago, he did just that.

Questions I ask:

  • How has Ryan’s journey as an early entrepreneur shaped his focus today?
  • How did the talent in the industry react to Ryan starting a platform for freelancers?
  • How does Ryan address concerns that brand loyalty can only truly be held by a captive, in-house team?
  • How does Ryan see the relationship between brands, agencies, and freelancers evolving in the next 10 years?

In this episode, you will:

  • Learn about the evolution of the marketing and advertising industry over the past 10 years.
  • Learn how Ryan overcomes clients’ objections to working with the talent economy.
  • Learn about the key attributes of the world’s greatest brands.
  • Gain insight into the responsibility that talent platforms have to their talent: providing economy, connection, and community.

Connect with Ryan:

The Talent Economy Podcast

Companies today are facing a global war for talent. At the same time, the talent with the skills companies are fighting over wants more flexibility around the way they work and the way they live.

Talent now has a choice and this is pushing companies to change. We will bring together thought leaders, staffing experts, and top freelancers to talk about the changing nature of work and how companies can navigate these changes to attract talent that will alter the course of their business to ensure success as the pace of technological disruption increases.

Welcome to the Talent Economy podcast.

Ryan Gill
Chief Executive Officer
verified iconExpert in Digital Marketing
Ryan Gill is Co-founder and CEO of Communo, a network of marketers and creative talent. He also created The Gathering, a masterclass for business leaders.